Training and Social Opportunities

Training and Social Opportunities

Feeling Excluded

Parenting a child with behavioral challenges is lonely.  It is lonely for the children when they do not receive invitations to birthday parties and have trouble finding a partner for group work in the classroom.  It is lonely for parents who are constantly called to the school for behavior issues instead of awards ceremonies or classroom activities.  Many find it difficult to relate to other parents, especially when they find out your child is “that kid.”  Even finding support from family members can be a challenge.

Learning how to advocate for my son gave me a new sense of purpose and strengthened our relationship. I became more knowledgeable about his challenges and more attuned to his needs.  He became more open with me and felt safe processing his emotions.  I also found and developed lasting friendships with other parents who were having similar experiences.  The loneliness has faded now, but the memories of those discouraging days remain.

Be Informed. Get Connected.

Charting the Course presents multiple opportunities throughout the year for group training and parent connection. Those who follow our Facebook page or receive our newsletter also receive alerts for various trainings hosted by other local and national organizations.

If you have a specific request for a training topic or social event, please send a suggestion using our contact form below or email us at